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Student Leadership

Students across the whole school have the opportunity to develop their whole selves and become involved in student leadership which is an essential part of our culture at Blessed Thomas Holford.

It lies at the heart of building a sense of community and family at school, whilst helping drive school improvement.

It allows our students the opportunity to take responsibility and monitor the impact of their actions and ideas.

Our students work hard to make a difference to their own lives and to the lives of others in line with the key principles of our catholic social teachings of solidarity, dignity of the person and working for the common good.

Our student ambassadors are kind and take the lead on our charity and fundraising across the school. Participating in one or more of these opportunities allows our students to develop key leadership skills and qualities that can be applied to their future college, university, apprenticeship or career aspirations.

The Student Council Ambassadors represent the student body, their voices and democracy here at Blessed Thomas Holford. We aim to bridge the gap between students and staff, allowing them to interact and play an active role in decision-making across the college.


The Prime Minister will then choose a cabinet to lead each ministry focus area (October).

Each Ministry will have a KS3/KS4 and KS5 lead.

Each year we will hold a general election and a subsequent cabinet reshuffle.

Students Council Ambassadors will opt in to a ministry they are passionate about (October).

Each Ministry will meet once per half term, to consider student feedback with staff leads.

The Sixth form lead will minute the meeting.

The Ministry leads will feedback their findings to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will meet Mrs Hogg to discuss main findings.

The Headteacher will decide which proposals are acted upon.


health and wellbeing ministry

Mental Health Ambassadors

Our Mental Health Ambassadors are individuals within our college who work to promote mental well-being and support those who may be struggling with mental health issues.

Their responsibilities typically include:

  • Raising Awareness - Organising events, campaigns, and activities to educate peers about mental health, reduce stigma, and promote understanding. Using posters, social media, and newsletters to spread messages about mental health awareness and resources.
  • Providing Support - Offering a listening ear to peers who need to talk about their mental health concerns; guiding students towards professional help, such as college counsellors, therapists, or helplines, when needed.
  • Creating Safe Spaces - Establishing areas where students can feel safe and comfortable discussing their mental health issues.
  • Ensuring students are aware of and have access to mental health resources, such as counselling services, crisis helplines, and informational materials.
  • Demonstrating healthy behaviours and attitudes towards mental health.
  • Encouraging a positive and supportive college culture where mental health is prioritised and respected.

Mental Health Ambassadors play a vital role in promoting a supportive and understanding environment, helping to ensure that students feel safe and supported in addressing their mental health needs.

Sport Leaders

The sports leader ambassadors lead a variety of different events across the year with numerous primary schools within the Trafford Area. The events include, Swimming Galas, Multisport festivals, Primary Friendship festivals, Panathlon events as well as sport-specific events. They also volunteer to give up their time for after-school events such as the Primary Hockey tournaments that are run at Timperley Sports Club, to help umpire.

We also have sports leader ambassadors who voluntarily help out at extracurricular clubs after college such as netball and also during enrichment clubs, to help with the organisation so staff can get students registered.

Sports leader ambassadors help out on Open Evenings with the running of the activities in the Sports hall and Fitness Suite. 



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Our Dignityof the Human Person ambassadors play an active role in promoting equality, celebrating diversity and championing all members of our Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic family ensuring we stand in solidarity for the common good.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors play a crucial role in creating a safe and supportive college environment. Their responsibilities typically include:

  • Raising Awareness - Organising events, assemblies, and campaigns to educate students about the effects of bullying and the importance of kindness and inclusion. Using posters, newsletters, and social media to spread anti-bullying messages.
  • Supporting Peers - Providing a listening ear and support for students who are experiencing bullying
  • Creating Safe Spaces - Establishing safe places where students can go if they and feel supported and cared for.
  • Promoting Inclusivity - Organising activities that promote teamwork, respect, and understanding among students. Celebrating diversity and fostering an inclusive college culture.
  • Training and Workshops - Participating in training sessions to stay informed about the best practices for preventing and addressing bullying.


Our Catholic Faith at BTH is always at the centre of our heart and the forefront of our minds. We share this one another as an act of friendship and service to everyone in our community. Everyday at BTH we give our students and staff the opportunity to share and practice their faith as well as get involved in challenging our actions and thoughts. Students are invited to join Faith in Action, our enrichment club, our SVP group, Mini DASH and Catholic ministry to take action in their faith and show that they are leaders with God. All these groups allow students to get involved in reflections, campaigns, charity work as a symbol of their passion and devotion to God. Each week we have a Catholic life timetable, with Walk by Faith, Family Mass, Celebration of the word and Wednesday word, which all give the BTH family the opportunity to connect and reflect on their faith and get involved in Catholic Life. We are celebrating our form Feast days through a week of action which celebrates our forms saints and brings life and spirit to our school week. We are also starting our LiveSimply award with Cafod which looks to reflect on our Catholic Life at school and get all students and staff involved in their faith.


Quality of Education

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Sixth Form Ambassadors

In recognition of the differences in post-16 education in addition to the opportunities detailed above Sixth Form students also have the opportunity to engage with additional leadership opportunities


Sixth Form Student Ambassador

As a Sixth Form Ambassador students will play a key role in promoting the Sixth Form to prospective students and supporting other students. They will be carry out the following important roles:

  • Giving the student perspective at Open Evening and Sixth Form Open Evening and on Social media platforms
  • Welcoming visitors to our Sixth Form Welcoming prospective students who attend for interview
  • Running sessions for students to support transition to post 16 study and sharing experiences and tips for post-18 applications
  • Acting as academic mentors for younger students Promoting post-16 subjects at key transition points such as the Year 9
  • Options Year 11 Application launch
  • Leading on initiatives launched in the Sixth Form through Core RE

Senior Sixth Form Student Team

Each year the Sixth Form students will select a senior team of three Year 13 students who will represent the voice of the Sixth Form student body offering feedback to the Head of Sixth Form and the Headteacher on issues specifically affecting post-16 students. They will also coordinate the work of the Sixth Form student ambassadors throughout the year.