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Classical Civilisation

Why study Classical Civilisation?

Classics is the study of the literature, history, philosophy and archaeology of the Ancient Greek & Roman worlds. It is an accessible, fun and diverse subject which many students opt to continue at university. If you love reading remarkable stories, engaging with themes and characters, learning about human nature, and exploring different cultures and civilisation – then Classics could be for you.
Unit 1: The World of the Hero – We follow the epic journey of a hero travelling home from the Trojan War, we dip into a wide range of mythology and explore the origins of the Roman Empire.

Unit 2: Greek Art & Sculpture – We analyse the magnificent art and architecture of Ancient Greece – its presentation of gods and mortals, civilisation and war, and take the opportunity to visit key examples and sites in the UK and abroad.

Unit 3: Love & Relationships – We explore the ancient world’s attitudes to desire, sex, marriage, beauty and love. We read the surprisingly modern poetry of Ovid & Sappho and the philosophy of Plato & Seneca, discussing questions of ethics and values.


Extra-curricular aspects of the course

There are so many opportunities to experience Classics outside the classroom. We take a trip to Athens to visit the Parthenon, acropolis museum and other historical sites. We visit the British Museum in London to enhance our study of Greek sculpture. We also make regular visits to the theatre and watch a wide range of documentaries linking to the ancient world.


Entry Requirements


Sixth Form Subject

Minimum GCSE Entry requirement


Classical Civilisation

6 in Classical Civilisation

6 in English Literature or Language






Higher Education and Careers

Classics opens the door to a wide range of careers including publishing and editorial roles, journalism, architecture, archaeology, museum roles, teaching, law, performing arts, politics, creative writing and broadcasting. The range of skills you develop in Classics including original and logical thinking and strong writing skills will make you desirable in the eyes of potential employers. Classics is a highly rated academic subject and all Russell Group universities offer lively Classics courses, many of which include the option to study abroad. 


Equipment required for the course

Students will require folders and dividers for each unit, as well as their own copies of the following texts:

Homer’s Odyssey [ISBN 978-0140449112]
Virgil’s Aeneid [ISBN 978-01404493247]

 Unit 1: The World of the Hero / Examination - 2 hours 20 minutes - Weighted 40%

Unit 2: Greek Art & Sculpture /  Examination - 1 hour 45 minutes - Weighted 30%

                                      Unit 3: Love & Relationships / Examination - 1 hour 45 minutes - Weighted 30%    

For more information on this course please email 
Mrs F Wood